FENS Seminars – Erkan Yılmaz
Erkan Yılmaz (Meteorology Engineering and Atmospheric Sciences, Istanbul Technical University) will be the next guest of the KHAS Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences seminar series with his speech “Importance of Micrositing and Meso-Micro Model Coupling Strategy in Wind Energy” on Friday, December 29 at 2 PM at B-409. The event is open to anyone interested.
Abstract: A microsite is the process through which the specific location of wind turbines is determined. Each position must comply with several requirements regarding existing wind resources, distances from other wind turbines and neighbors, etc. This process has some specific rules according to the specifications. The wind industry uses some linear and computational fluid dynamic models for modeling. It is also important to use the correct long-term data set to create a highly accurate annual wind energy production.
About the Speaker: Erkan Yılmaz worked as a green-collar at SANY Europe Renewable GmbH. while pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Meteorological Engineering from Istanbul Technical University and a minor degree in Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution from Anadolu University, Then, he started his career as a Meteorology Engineer in the renewable energy sector in June 2013. He worked as an assistant specialist and was responsible for job follow-up, monitoring data, field visits, and analyzing energy reports on different parts of wind and solar projects, before going to Risø Denmark Technical University National Laboratory Sustainable Energy for his MS thesis as an Erasmus exchange student. He completed his MS in Atmospheric Sciences in August 2016. Then, he worked as a senior wind and site engineer at Nordex for 5 years, while pursuing his Ph.D. education in Atmospheric Sciences at Istanbul Technical University. His studies are divided into two parts; the first one is working with wind energy models, especially with micro models (Windsim, Windpro, WAsP) for Nordex; and the second one is working with meso-micro model coupling methods using WRF-LES for hisdoctoral studies.