Herkese Açık Online Kolokyum #52: Doç. Dr. Sertaç Karaman
Herkese Açık Kolokyum serimizin yeni konuğu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology‘den Doç. Dr. Sertaç Karaman (Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics) olacak.
Dr. Karaman’ın “New Frontiers for Autonomy: Enabling Fast, Agile and Miniature Vehicles” başlıklı sunumunu 12 Ekim Çarşamba saat 16:00‘dan itibaren Zoom’dan ve KHAS Youtube kanalından canlı olarak takip edebilirsiniz.
Etkinlik İngilizcedir.
Zoom Meeting ID: 867 1851 6202
KHAS Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgPM0E2hGRA
Özet: Autonomous vehicles hold the potential for tremendous impact in numerous industries from transportation to space exploration. We look at the next-generation of applications. First we consider vehicles that are fast and agile. We discuss a suite of algorithms, based on machine learning, that allows unprecedented improvements, even over best human pilots. Second we consider vehicles that are miniature. We discuss means to co-develop their computing hardware (chips) and their algorithms at the same time, resulting in tremendous performance improvements, which open the door to new applications.